Have you played in Hearthstone? You will receive a sweets!
It has been three weeks from the premiere of mercenaries in Hearthstone. Blizzard reports that the community eagerly hunts on bosses, rests in a village and looks for glory on the ring gladiators. That s why they decided to thank players for interest in a new mode. How?
As a thank you for participation and help in making the mode so popular, everyone will receive 5 free mercenary packages ! If you played in mercenaries during the update 21.4, you will receive the prize on November 9. If you are new, it s not too late to join fun! Complete the tutorial of mercenaries and introductory missions to get up to 8 mercenary packages.
This week, Blizzard also adds new mercenaries, including a favorite player living in a dead mine - Pirata Edwin Vancleefa! Along with his crew, new orders will appear on the Black Mountain. Also wait for you will be new bosses: Omokk Supervisor, General Drakkisat and Rwoj Czarneaski. A wavy prize awaits them!
This is only the first of many throws of the new content as planned for mercenaries. Blizzard declares the development of the mode and customizing it under players. You can therefore expect a larger number of orders or improvements in creating your collection.
Someone from you already grew mercenaries? What do you think about this mode?
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