Mercenary Hearthstone

Although the general feeling with Hearthstone is that it is a pretty stable game, almost motionless. For someone alien to the day-to-day card title based on World of Warcraft, you can believe that every so often a new expansion appears with new letters and that there is hardly much more to see. That could have been true a few years ago, but there have been several key points in the development of the title that have made it mutate in a game with many more possibilities.

Those historical moments regarding Hearthstone are concerned, they are quite documented: the creation of the Standard Years, the Mazmorra Mazmorra modes of Mazo Roguelike , the change of philosophy of the new development team in favor of existing card improvements and not That excessive accent in the Nerfeos, Battlegrounds and the approach to the AutoBattle ... and now Hearthstone mercenaries .

Thanks to Activision Blizzard, we have been able to access mercenaries before its launch next October 12. For those who are clueless, it is about a new game mode called to inherit the aforementioned spirit, but making use of game mechanics quite far from the traditional Hearthstone and not so much in the aspect of randomness and Improvement within RUNS . On this occasion we are facing a slope with a much more RPG approach and a finish in the fights that almost reminds us of Pokémon .

But let s go to the base: Mercenaries challenges us to make use of a team of up to 6 specific heroes and make use of their skills to enter both in PVE experiences and pvp . Each of these mercenaries can go up, improving their statistics, but it can also get more powerful skills. And whenever we fight, we will get to improve them in both aspects.

There are dozens and dozens of heroes, each grouped each of them in a system of stone-paper-scissors and up to 3 different skills for each mercenary; and which have a speed that determines its order of priority in battle. That is the playable basis of a combat that is based on seeking synergies between three mercenaries at the table, waiting to change those that fall defeated by the other 3 that will wait on the bench.

addictive and charged content

During the first hour of the session we were able to test the PVE mode, which is the first to unlock after the tutorial. And the first thing that jumps to the view is how fun and fast it is all . You sign up for a contract in a specific area, you end up with the first previous meetings in a kind of map that reminded us enough to Slay The Spire , to finally fight against the target beast.

2 Games 1 Video - Mercenaries: POD & Skate 2 Demo

These battles are very fast and always help unlock all kinds of improvements. You never have the feeling of losing time , and that is something that in today s video games, especially in the Free to play group, such as Hearthstone, is the order of the day. Here everything goes about the game, its mechanics and about going progressing.

After first affordable battles that serve to unlock enough mercenaries to form a team, or even the functionalities in the populated (a good fortune hub) that allow us to do more and more things, we are already We found in front of an important challenge at the end of this game period. Taking into account the promise of enormous quantities of content that developers have made us, it seems that we will have fun.

PVP and its deep fights

After this first hour of PVE we left quite happy, we were given an account in which all the heroes were unlocked and at the highest level. With those mercenaries at the top of their abilities, we were invited to play against each other and check how synergies work at the highest level.

We must say that seeing us with so many options and so many blow, it overwhelmed us a little and we could not enjoy as we would have liked this part. However, this can also be positive, because it tells us that the progression of the game is there to give us time to learn these synergies, as well as to discover our favorite teams and mercenaries for ourselves.

What we can say, is that enough archetypes are appreciated as to observe a great depth in the game. In some point, we saw each other as in the competitive of Pokémon, where Each attack can decide the fight and the preparation of the team and the choice of the first to fight are decisions that have a huge impact in the game.

The summary is that we liked what we have seen of mercenaries, especially because it is differently different from the original experience to have your site, and because the progression we have seen seems very fun. Now it s time to wait for the final experience next Tuesday, October 12th.


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