
Showing posts with the label Back

Back 4 Blood is already celebrating the six million players

It seems that Back 4 Blood, The spiritual successor of Left 4 Dead, has proven to be quite popular since its launch earlier this month. We say this because according to their developers, the title has already achieved more than six million players through the different platforms. This impressive achievement was shared by the official game account at Twitter. Thank you for all your hard work, Cleaners. With so many Cleaners on our side, we will stop the Ridden in a matter of time. Thanks For All Your Hard Work, Cleaners! With This Many Cleaners on Our Side, We ll Stop The Ridden In No Time. Back4blood Back 4 Blood (@ Back4blood) October 26, 2021 Considering that Back 4 Blood also debuted at Xbox Game Pass, and that has been one of the most played titles these last weeks, it is not surprising that it is so successful between the community. Here at game we already had the opportunity to play it and review it, and you can know our impressions written t...