
Showing posts with the label Hearthstone mercenaries

Mercenary Hearthstone

Although the general feeling with Hearthstone is that it is a pretty stable game , almost motionless. For someone alien to the day-to-day card title based on World of Warcraft, you can believe that every so often a new expansion appears with new letters and that there is hardly much more to see. That could have been true a few years ago, but there have been several key points in the development of the title that have made it mutate in a game with many more possibilities. Those historical moments regarding Hearthstone are concerned, they are quite documented: the creation of the Standard Years, the Mazmorra Mazmorra modes of Mazo Roguelike , the change of philosophy of the new development team in favor of existing card improvements and not That excessive accent in the Nerfeos, Battlegrounds and the approach to the AutoBattle ... and now Hearthstone mercenaries . Thanks to Activision Blizzard, we have been able to access mercenaries before its launch next October 12. For those who are...