Mercenaries: All on the Hearthstone game mode

More than a mode, mercenaries is a full game in heartthstone , where all the knowledge of the basic game is not necessary. Between heroes, village, PVE, PVP and improvement of its mercenaries, there is a multitude of novelties to learn. Inspired by Roguelikes, it will be necessary to find the right team and train it to face still stronger opponents. But the basics that can be difficult to apprehend, we propose a summary of important information about mode.


Each player has a village in mercenaries. It is a place acting as a central hub, bringing together many places to various and varied utilities. From here you can manage your mercenaries and collection, improve them, do PVE shipments or enter the PVP arena.

The tavern is the place where players can handle their collection. From here, they can create mercenaries, see those in their possession, improve their capacity and equipment and form a group.

The traveling point makes it possible to browse the PVE content of mercenaries. Separated in premiums, the different objectives are unlock successively. This makes it possible to unlock various rewards and advance mercenaries.

PVP clashes take place in the combat pit. It saves rewards, advance mercenaries but also has a ranking.

The workshop is at the heart of the functioning of the village, since it allows to build new places and improve those already present. Thanks to these improvements, the buildings present evolve and become more powerful.

Near the campfire is the task panel where daily and weekly quests are visible. The mercenaries also offer a new quest every day.

The merchant s cart is a direct link to the game shop. It offers packs of mercenaries, mercenary pieces and seasonal offers.

Secondary element of the village, the letter box allows you to view the latest ads for mercenary mode.

Roles, synergies, strengths and weaknesses

In mercenaries, all characters have a role that benefits from strengths and weaknesses. There are 3 different, and each of them is strong against one type but weak against the other. It is a balanced wheel that determines the strategy to adopt during PVP and PVE clashes. There are fighters, blue, ventants, green, and red protectors.

In the wheel of weaknesses, each role benefits from an advantage and a disadvantage against another. Protectors inflict more damage to combatants, which are more effective against speaker launchers, while they benefit from increased damage to protectors. Create a team composed of one role is therefore to be avoided, to balance the composition and achieve it.

Recruiting new mercenaries

Once the first 8 mercenaries obtained by completing the introductory quests in the game mode, it will be necessary to unlock the other 40. There are two methods to collect new ones: recover enough parts of a mercenary or open packs obtained in store. Mercenary pieces, besides packs, can be obtained by playing. However, they are linked to a mercenary, and can not be used to unlock or improve others. A number of pieces is offered by reaching the level 30 of a mercenary. But these are the daily tasks of the campfire that make it possible to obtain this currency regularly.

The packs contain 5 vote of 3 different types: mercenary pieces, portraits and mercenary cards. At least one mercenary card can be obtained in each pack until the mercenary collection is complete. The number of parts obtained is random, between 35 and 45. However, the shop may at times contain special packs to obtain a specific mercenary.

Improve its mercenaries and equipment

At each PVP confrontation or PVE shipping, the team s mercenaries earn experience. Losing a premium, however, is not enough the loss of accumulated experience. At each level, the mercenary strengthens and obtains two new capacities at levels 5 and 15. These can be improved using mercenary pieces. Thanks to this, they will be more powerful and will make it easier to start in premiums or the combat pit.

At their debut, mercenaries have no equipment strengthening them. They are unlocked by performing high facts or daily tasks. Each mercenary has 3 pieces of equipment, each can be improved with mercenary pieces. However, one piece can be worn at a time.

Mercenary Keywords

Very used in the basic game, mercenaries has any new keywords that it can be good to know how to use. At the number of 8, the latter allow mercenaries to enjoy unique capacities making them more offensive or defensive. They are used to establish strategies, but also to counter your opponent.

Grace - Is triggered at the death of a character Bleeding - Inflicts damage at the end of each turn, can be removed by care Rooting - An rooted mercenary can not attack Critical damage - Double the damage of all sources Spell combo - Offers a bonus if another ally mercenary launches a lot from the same school during the tour Exit resistance - Undergoes less capacity damage from this school of magic Weak spells - Undergo more damage from this school of magic Spell damage - Increase the damage of this magic school


Mercenaries Gameplay Trailer The fights are at the heart of the gameplay of this mode of play. Very strategic, know when to use all the potential of its mercenaries can be complicated. The fighting takes place in two major phases: the command phase and the combat phase. During the first, the selected player 3 mercenaries to send on the ground to fight. We must then determine their order in order to hold as many turns possible. The 3 mercenaries put in reserve will take the place of those fallen in combat.

Then comes the fighting phase, during which the skills to be used. Some are faster to launch, to take the initiative on an adverse mercenary or on its allies. The higher the jurisdiction, the faster it will be to launch. When the actions are chosen and launch, observe adverse actions makes it possible to determine when and how to use the defensive skills to take advantage.

This summarizes the important information to know before embarking on the new mode of hearthstone . But if all about the mercenary bases may seem sufficient, it is through the practice and experience that you can determine the best strategies to adopt.


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