
Showing posts with the label encountered the shared acid

Selimbegovic: The worst is when you are afraid

Above all, the insufficient appearance in the first half encountered the shared acid. That was just bad, and it was with distance our worsting game this year, Benedict Smaller stated on the club's own website. Not two, but equal to four or five players would have been appropriate, annoyed coach Perseid Selimbegovic over the first 45 minutes, in which it was not even 30 seconds as well as other good opportunities of the lilies after a post hit by Tim cruise. It was a bit happy to keep the zero, as the John coach admitted. Singh awards, Elves Part The finger into the wound set Selimbegovic mainly because of the approach of his team: That must be a doctrine that you must never start a game, that was a bit scared. That's the worst for me, if you are afraid The 39-year-old had exchanged with re-owned staff, also showed his break-language effect — and of course the awarded Grand Chance of Street Singh (68.) was a topic: Had of New Zealanders have met, everything could have devel...