For the month of Phantasy Star online 2: New Genesis will become bigger and better

DOLANDIRICI MMORPG OYUNU! Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Anime MMORPG 2021

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Before Christmas, it will be worth returning to Phantasy Star online 2: New Genesis. Exactly December 15, the first Major Update Sandstorm Requiem will come there, which can also be called the addition to the game. What can we expect? New Desert Region - Ret Enlarged maximum level of experience (35 lvl) New techniques for Caster (Wind, Light, Dark) New skills for each class Balance of systems Four new bosses Re-implementation of titles Is it enough to keep players with you? For a few weeks probably yes, but Sega must publish such updates much more often. Otherwise, the percentage of departing players will be larger than those incoming, which will not end well in the longer. You can wait Sandstorm Requiem or play now - here.


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