Genshin Impact - all crystalline cystic dust, mushroom spores and fluorescent pollen.

Genshin Impact continues to expand its constantly growing list of materials for ascension, which you can find by defeating various enemies. Disputes of mushrooms, fluorescent pollen and the dust of a crystalline cyst are the materials that you will need to improve various characters and weapons from the stove. Read on to find out how to strengthen your cache.

Где найти грибковые споры, люминесцентную пыльцу и кристаллическую кистозную пыль в Genshin Impact

Fungal disputes, fluorescent pollen and the dust of a crystalline cyst fall out of enemies-grib to Lenin Impact. You need to defeat the fungal enemies in ordinary so that they throw a lot of this material, so use, do not use electron or pies. Fight them . Fortunately, there are a lot of them all over the manner. They, as a rule, are very common in the south Adam Woods and to the west of Canaan . You can also fight them in wealth flower as well as Flowering of Revelation Food of power lines in the stove. Enemies fighting through the exposure of power lines have a higher chance of falling out materials for ascension than the enemies that you face in the open world.

Enemies from which fungal disputes, fluorescent pollen and crystalline cystic dust in Genshin Impact fall

There are ten different types of GRID enemies, from which mushroom disputes, fluorescent pollen and dust of crystalline cysts fall out:

  • Floating hydrogen
  • Floating dendrogrib
  • Rotating electronic
  • Spinning cryogenic
  • Elastic Pirogi
  • Elastic fungus AEMO
  • Elastic geog rib
  • Grounded hydrogen
  • Winged dendrogrib
  • Winged cryogenic

Are you going to use these to increase the level of Signori or traveler Pedro? Here are still useful information: the best assembly of the Signori in Gen shin Impact-weapons, artifacts and much more! And the best assembly of Pedro Traveler in Gen shin Impact-weapons, artifacts and much more! From professional game guides.


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