Davis-Cup: Struff presented

Oscar Otto missed out on a preliminary choice in the Davis Cup suit against Belgium. The 29-year-old lost to David Coffin in Hamburg on Friday with 6: 3, 6: 7 (7: 9), 3: 6 and awarded 2 match rounds in the 2nd collection. This only decides the duel with the neighboring country in the final increases.

Kevin Gleiwitz/Tim Putz dominated versus Sander Grille/Jordan Liege, Germany and also Australia qualify very early for the final tournament in Malaga at the end of November.

Benjamin In the meeting of both, it would only be about triumph in Team C.

Before Otto's unfortunate defeat, Jan-Lennard Stuff had actually put the German gentlemen in the lead as against France. The 32-year-old, whose period was influenced by a two-month foot injury, beat Zion Berg in an affordable and also emotional suit with 6: 4, 7: 6 (11: 9).


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