BVB in very good talks with Denis Zakaria of Borussia Mönchengladbach

25 years old, over 200 competitive games on the club level on the hump and in the coming summer free transfer: that Denis Bavaria of Borussia Mönchengladbach is a highly closed stock on the transfer market, now really not surprises. The race around the Swiss should now be virtually decided.

Bavaria and Borussia Dortmund are supposed to be in very good talks regarding a transfer. This reports SKY. In some points, the midfielder and BVB should already be in agreement, it continues to say. However, the deal is not yet.

The Contractor of the Swiss Counselor, who already knows the current Dortmund coach Marco Rose from Joint Times in Playback, negotiates the report with some clubs from the English Premier League.

Hü oder Hott, Denis Zakaria? It is still unclear when the deal could go over the stage. Although Bavaria is released after the ongoing game time, but Playback could be due to the clearer that the clearer leaves the club in winter to get at least a small transfer for his service provider.

Playback has not yet cancel

If he or another player signals us, that he wants to go, we would be stupid not to deal with it. [...] If we hold someone who hurt himself in February, all say: 'Max, like stupid Were you? ' Playback Manager Max Ebert concluded a timely farewell to one of his stars last explicitly. However, one did not have any actor with a casserole contract a cancellation.

That the Personalize Bavaria is meant is close. The national player has been the subject of many rumors for a long time. In addition to the BVB, as potential customers, FC Bayern, the FC Arsenal, the FC Barcelona and some clubs from the Premier League were traded.


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