Inserts in the Youth League: Trier committed Debrah

I am pleased to have the opportunities to sign in Trier. We have good conditions here and a great team that has taken me well immediately. I hope I can help the team and we will achieve our goals, Yannick Debrah cited in the press release.

INSIDE du déplacement en Turquie (Youth League - U19)

Debrah was trained in the junior power centers of red-white food and Schalke 04. The native Essen completed 22 U-17 and six U-19 Bundesliga games for red-white food. For FC Schalke 04, he ran four times in the U-19 Bundesliga, and he was used twice in the UEFA Youth League. Most recently, the 1.80 meter legislation for the U 21 by Fortuna Sittard in the Netherlands was active.

Yannick is a very interesting boy with a good Vita. He has shown in the training sessions that a lot of potential is in him. I am convinced that he is a good alternative to the other guys, says Eintracht-Chef trainer Josef Cinar Debrah Not at the end of his development. Debrah is already entitled to play at the home game against the FSV Salmrohr on Saturday.


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