Flower Society Probability Public Autonomous Regulation Career, Fairy,

In addition, the Democratic Party s members pointed out that the Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Fair Trade) on a 5-day and a good probability item issue in the game industry.

The Fuel Source Room pointed out such a problem through the 5th and the press release. The Yeonwon said that last year, at the Faithful Auditor, the FTC s proprietary revision on the provision of information on the product in the e-commerce, etc.). I said it was difficult to browse.

In the case of the probability item autonomous regulation of the Korean Games Policy Authority (GSOK), the Nexon Maple Story does not have a certain amount of the activity, such as Nexon Maple Story, and a large proportional to the game sales Even if the configuration information of the item does not have to disclose the composition of the regulatory compliance mark, it pointed out. In addition, even if you do not participate in autonomous regulation, the disadvantage of the disadvantage is virtually involved, and the game users do not trust the regulation of autonomy, so it is difficult to see that it is difficult to listen to the union.

The United States said, If you do not force the definition of probabilistic items and the scope of configuration of the configuration of a probabilistic item, the fundamental problem is that the fundamental problem is not to be solved, he said. I have to play an active role, such as provisioning policy grounds for amendments.


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